This year has been…challenging, at best. 2020, you will not be missed, but will sure be hard to forget. In my goodbye post last year I wrote: thank you for all the lessons. This time I’m saying: thank you for all the opportunities. To grow, to learn, and even to fail.
They say you should be careful what you wish for. Yeah. Life has a funny way of giving us what we want, but not necessarily in the way we expect.
My plans for this year were to heal and recover from my surgery at the end of last year, to embrace a new kind of reality, and to grow. I’ve managed to do all those things but in a very different way than I imagined.
This year was bad in so many ways. But in other ways, it really wasn’t. It all just depends on how you look at it.
With all the challenges of lockdowns and self-isolation, 2020 forced me to reconnect with myself. I’ve rediscovered the power of meditation and yoga.
And while I didn’t manage to grow my business (or this blog) as I’ve planned, I did grow. As a person. And I don’t think that would be possible without all the bad things, challenges, and even failures.
But I don’t want this last post of the year to be depressing, so let’s go through some of my favorite and funny moments and things.
2020: New Boobs Year
Sorry for the bad photo quality, this is the only one I have. I got breast prosthetics in January, but have never worn them, except to take this photo and to show friends how they look. I am a lot happier being flat.

Most Liked Instagram Post of 2020
This was the first time I posted a photo of myself and my flat chest on Instagram. My followers seem to like it since it’s still the most liked post of the year.
Best Recipe of 2020 I Can Never Recreate
Homemade vegan “bounty” bars. I’ve used leftover ingredients and changed the original recipe so much, I have no idea how to recreate them. But they were delicious!

Best Cake of 2020
Vegan chocolate cake with peanuts. There are no words to describe how good it tasted.

Best Concert of 2020
I went to only three concerts this year. Two before the pandemic and one during. This photo was taken at an Hamo & Tribute 2 Love concert in July. It was rainy and very, very cold, but the concert was spectacular.

Favorite Photo of 2020
I needed photos for an interview I did, so my friend helped me out as a photographer for a day. I have absolutely no talent for posing, so it’s not surprising that the best photo was taken when I was falling off a wall.
I’m also wearing my favorite jeans and shoes I got this year, so it’s basically 3 in 1.

I wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year and hope that 2021 will be kinder to all of us!